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Sanborn Map, Kansas City, Vol. 1A, 1939-1949, Page p146
Sanborn Map, Kansas City, Vol. 1A, 1939-1949, Page p144
Sanborn Map, Kansas City, Vol. 1, 1909-1938, Page p077
Sanborn Map, Kansas City, Vol. 3, 1909-1950, Page p342
Sanborn Map, Kansas City, Vol. 3, 1909-1957, Page p342
Sanborn Map, Kansas City, Vol. 3, 1909-1950, Page p344
Sanborn Map, Kansas City, Vol. 3, 1909-1957, Page p344
Union Depot News Agency
Opening of New Union Station
Main Street
View South from atop Coca-Cola Building
Union Station Dedication
Union Station and Skyline
Plaza Hotel
Union Station
View West from atop General Hospital
The Business District of Kansas City
View West from atop General Hospital